Tuesday, January 20

Tuesday 10-Pictures From Aaron Watson

This past Friday Layne and I headed to Big Texas South to see Aaron Watson and my Twinkie!!! I was so excited that we were actually going somewhere that was closer to us for once. So, here are 10 of my favorite pictures from Friday!

1. Deb and I at the beginning of the night. She is my Twinkie :) I think this is the first time we have gone out and not been dressed alike...its crazy how often we do it without knowing!
2. Layne and I. He always squishes my face in these pictures...i think he feels the need to lean down and get closer since I am short.
3. Deb and Layne...ok Twinkie just cause we share everything doesn't mean you can share my man! lol :)
4. Since Layne got some Debbie love I figured I needed some too :)
5. Yes I am a poser...and I regularly recruit people to pose with me! Don't believe me? Ask Kimmie, I think I got it from her ;) hehe
6. We took pictures with Aaron after he signed our shirts
7. Here's our shirts! I had to buy two shirts cause i wanted one I could wear without worrying about the signature coming off.
8. Enjoying my drinks. Layne was buying them faster than I could drink them!
9. I caught him :) I vaguely remember hearing something about his back hurting after this pic! haha Please don't ask about my face...i tend to make funny faces when i dance
10. The best for last! This picture is hilarious, Layne and Deb were dancing and it looks like she is running away from him.....Yeah he scares me too sometimes Twinkie...its okay :)

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